

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 6 & 7

Days 6 & 7 (9/20 & 21)
Tuesday was supposed to be the day I started interviews (postponed from Monday) however I got sidetracked again. There is a construction site in La Tremblay (about 20 km north of PAP) that I’ve wanted to see and we had a truck going out to deliver some supplies, so I hitched a ride. They (UMVIM teams and Haitian laborers) are building a small church. I was pleased to see that it was being built to our new post Forum standards and there was an adequate footing, vertical and horizontal rebar and better quality concrete. I did a short, unobserved victory dance.
Although the roads and traffic were terrible, I enjoyed the trip. When I first came to Haiti in February there was so much to see it was almost overwhelming – like looking through a wide angle lens – too much information. Now I’m able to narrow my focus and start to see more detail – individuals instead of crowds - translate signs and business names – my favorite was a combination funeral home and souvenir shop.  I also liked God is Great Auto Parts and Jesus Saves Paint Store – only in Haiti. So – even though I didn’t accomplish my stated goal, it was a rewarding day.
Wednesday, believe it or not, I actually started the interview process. Sarah (the UMVIM Team Coordinator), Oge (pronounced O.J. – one of our driver/interpreters) and I interviewed 17 of the Guest House staff. Sarah is assessing school scholarship needs for their children and I’m working on housing needs. It was very interesting and very moving. Some of the stories would break your heart. We have another 10 or 12 to do tomorrow.
We had a medical emergency this morning. One of the members of a team from Ohio staying at the Guest House was suffering from chest pains. One of our staff members and a nurse practitioner from the Ohio team took him to the hospital and with the doctors approval put him on a commercial flight home.
The highlight of the day came right after breakfast. I returned to my room and heard some singing coming from the school yard about 50 yards away. I saw 60 or 80 kids having what appeared to be a choir practice and had to capture it. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to get a video on my blog. If and when I do (where are all of my computer techy friends when I need them?) I'll share it with you. It's precious.

By the way the main dish for supper tonight was deep fried goat – not bad.


  1. Thank you for sharing with us. I love the way you write.
    Miss you!

  2. Here's how to post a video: When you start a new blog post there is a small bar of icons immediately above where you would write the body of your post. Two icons past the one that says "Link" is a "movie clapper board" which is the button to post a video.

    I don't know how to make the video show up on your sidebar. Maybe someone else can help with that.

    Glad to hear you're doing well. David & Michelle Wilder
